Sermon Series:

James: A Faith that Works 

Looking for practical biblical knowledge you can put into practive TODAY?!  You are in luck because over the next few weeks, we are going to go through the New Testament book James, which stands as a no nonsense, practical, proverbial wisdom.  There is very little cryptic lanuage or mysterious imagery in the way that the book of James calls us to live out our discipleship in Jesus the Christ. A faith in Jesus is a "Faith that Works"

“Just Do It!”



James 1:17-27


Be doers, not just hearers, of God's Commands.

"Body & Soul”


James 2:1-17


The body matters: using our physical means to meet physical needs.

"Taming the Tongue”



James 3:1-12


The tongue is a small organ that can do great damage.

"Keys to Contentment”


James 3:13-4:3; 7-8


Gentleness and wisdom are the keys to contentment.

"Powerful Prayer”


James 5:13-20


Prayer is a healing balm for physical suffering and broken communities.