
Your gift is an investment in changing lives for the sake of Jesus Christ.

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Automated Giving

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Online Giving

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Giving FAQ

 We are called to give in celebration of God’s generosity in Jesus Christ. As Christians, we do not give because we have to. Giving is not an obligation, it is an opportunity. We give because giving follows the example of the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught us that the essence of life is not what we receive, but in what we give. Those who live generously find a deeper sense of community, a lasting hope, and increasing love for others while leaving a lasting impact on the world.


With your generous gifts, all the ministries of SUMC are supported. Unspecified gifts provide for the general budget which is the primary funding for the church and general ministries. Above and beyond general giving, you may choose to give to an additional specific area of ministry. For detail of funds, see "Explain the Different Funds..." below.


Give by text.
Explain online giving in general?
Tell me about automated vs. one-time giving.
How do I set up automated giving?
Explain the different funds and how they are used.
Are there other ways to support SUMC?
My question is not here. How do I get in touch?
What If: Planned Giving


Payments for Imagination Station, our week day pre-school and child care program, may be made by clicking the button below. 

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

II Corinthians 9:7