Dear Friends,

I don't know which local news channel you watch, but we often tune into Channel 13. Dave Calabro, who usually does sports, hasn't had a whole lot of sports news to report lately. One of the meaningful ways he has spent his time during these months has been to do a "Tell Us Your Good News" segment once a week or so. He travels to grocery stores in the Indianapolis area and interviews people as they go in or out and asks them what "Good News" they have to share.

I've seen a few of these segments and he gets some pretty mundane stuff sometimes, like it's someone's birthday or a man is going to work out or a family is going swimming (it was 90 degrees that day). Sometimes it is an important milestone in someone's life, like going back to work after being off due to the virus, or the birth of a grandson or granddaughter, or a high school graduation.

At least one word of "Good News" was pretty earthshattering, a woman had had a kidney transplant and so had her daughter, and God had kept them both protected and safe, neither one of them had been sick at all. Another woman said simply that she was alive and feeling good and had enough money to buy food. This wouldn't ordinarily be thought of as earthshattering, but under the circumstances, I'm not so sure.

Some people used their time in front of the camera to offer some positive comments and advice. "With everything going on in the world and in our country, I've noticed a lot of people being nicer to each other -- my goal is to be nicer to people," is what one man said. A woman offered, "It's great to see how humanity's coming together." Another man said plainly, "Don't give up. We're going to get through this."

What is your "Good News?" Do you have any? Are you sharing it with everyone you can, every chance you get? Or are you a carrier of the message that is also out there to be cynical and negative and depressing? We've all heard the sentiment that you can either be part of the problem or part of the solution. In my lifetime, there has probably never been a more important time to decide which one you will be.

Grace and Hope to you,

Pastor Duane