Scripture and the Wesleyan Way

"John Wesley created something new by trying something very old: to take the early church and its Scriptures seriously. He said that he wanted nothing more than 'primitive Christianity,' which simply means a restoration of the church as it is now to the power and depth of the early church. If you find you read Scripture and aren't becoming more like Jesus, Wesley would say you are reading it wrong." (Scott and Arthur Jones, authors)

We will be starting our fall study using the book, Scripture and the Wesleyan Way by Scott J. Jones and Arthur D. Jones (bishop and pastor respectively in the United Methodist Church).

The study will be via ZOOM (an online "meeting" facility) while the building remains closed to groups and meetings. We will meet on Wednesdays, starting August 19th for 8 weeks, at 2:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Since this is an online meeting, you will need to register and receive a link to get to the ZOOM meeting. You can sign up by emailing Please let me know if you will attend the 2:30 or the 7:00 session.

Also, if you have not used ZOOM before, we have created a short tutorial video to help. You can find it by clicking here.

The book is recommended for the class. Since everyone is not coming to the church building yet, it may be just as easy to order the book yourself. You can order a Kindle version or the paperback by clicking here.

If you would like the church to order the book for you, please let me know that as soon as possible. We will order the books no later than Wednesday August 12th to (hopefully) ensure they are here by Sunday August 16th (to pick up before the study starts).

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me:

Pastor Doug