Dear Southport UMC,
Thank you for coming together for a day of service this past Saturday and thank you for those that gave financially to help make this event possible. Over 60 of you served in our Caring after Christmas Event, and you gave over $2000 in response to our call to help fund this event.
We packed and provided baskets absolutely overflowing with food and household necessities for 16 families. We put together nearly 250 hygiene packs to be delivered to schools and community centers and to be distributed through our Feed-a-Need program for the unhoused. And we put together soup kits to be provided to our local senior center. Thank you for your good work. You have been a blessing to many.
Saturday was a great example of living out Micah 6:8, but the reality is there is still a gap between what we are doing and what needs to be done. As a faith community we must continue to live what we value and keep pursuing new ways to close that gap. We must continue to pursue authentic ways to share the love of Christ with our neighbors.
So, thank you for giving and serving with joy and enthusiasm. Thank you for being a faith community that not only hopes and prays, but also does the work so desperately needed. Thank you for being the church.
Keep growing,