Dear Friends,
Even though a retiring pastor is not part of the process for the appointment of a new pastor to the church, I have been part of this kind of process over the years, and as a keen observer, I thought I would share with you how things will work, from my perspective, on our journey toward next July 1.
In my opinion, it is a great process. Of course, I would think that because it’s the same process that brought Brenda and me here to this wonderful church back in 2019. And it is basically the same process that has brought all of your senior pastors to you in recent decades.
The Leadership Team (LT), chaired by Karen Decatur currently, and to be chaired by Pat Hulfachor in 2024, has already met with our District Superintendent (DS), Dr. Aleze Fulbright. She gave the LT a questionnaire about the church (sometimes called a consultation form or profile) that they then will meet and pray over and fill out with responses to these types of questions: How would you describe the church and its members? How would you describe worship here? Study opportunities? Service in the community? What are the demographics of the surrounding area and neighborhood? What are the characteristics and qualities you are looking for in a new pastor?
Then, starting in early January, Dr. Fulbright will begin meeting with our Bishop, Julius Trimble, and the other DSs in the Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church. They will propose and consider various individuals currently serving other churches as pastoral candidates for our church. They will discuss and pray as they go through this process looking to find the person who will be the best fit for Southport United Methodist Church.
The Bishop and DSs will not rush into a decision, but will really seek the presence of the Holy Spirit to help them be guided to the right person for our church. I have never known a DS who has not taken this as a solemn responsibility as they represent our church before God in seeking a new pastor.
By February or March the Bishop should be ready to make an appointment, and Dr. Fulbright will bring that person to be introduced at a meeting of the LT. That person will then be announced in worship by a member of the LT, and in other forms of church communication, with the appointment for this person to begin as your new senior pastor on July 1, 2024.
I think I have been pretty faithful and thorough in describing this process to you, but if you have any questions, please feel free to approach me, or Karen, or Pat, or any member of the Leadership Team.
Grace and Hope to you,
Pastor Duane