Giving FAQ
We are called to give in celebration of God’s generosity in Jesus Christ. As Christians, we do not give because we have to. Giving is not an obligation, it is an opportunity. We give because giving follows the example of the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught us that the essence of life is not what we receive, but in what we give. Those who live generously find a deeper sense of community, a lasting hope, and increasing love for others while leaving a lasting impact on the world.
With your generous gifts, all the ministries of SUMC are supported. Unspecified gifts provide for the general budget which is the primary funding for the church and general ministries. Above and beyond general giving, you may choose to give to an additional specific area of ministry. For detail of funds, see "Explain the Different Funds..." below.
Text Giving
You can now give by text. Text the word "SOUTHPORT" and the amount of gift to 73256. If you have questions, please contact the church: 317.784.9508 or
Online giving allows for automatic giving and one-time gifts. Our online giving platform provides a convenient way to automate giving. This is the easiest and most secure giving method for members and guests. You can choose to give with an ACH Bank Transfer or a credit card. If you use ACH Bank Transfer, the church will receive the maximum possible from your online gift, tithe, and/or offering. (There are additional fees associated with using credit/debit cards.) However, any way you choose to give honors God and is a blessing to the ministries of SUMC.
Contact: 317.784.9508 or
For long-term convenience, an individual can set up an account with their checking, savings or credit/debit card. Their chosen account is debted at the intervals chosen by the account holder.
An individual can give one time (without saving personal information) using a checking, savings or credit/debit card. The chosen account will not be saved in the system.
Go to our Give page. Enter the information requested ("amount", the "fund" you would like to give to and memo, if desired.), your email address, and click “Continue.” A popup will appear with two buttons “Create account” (automated giving) or to “Continue as Guest” (one-time giving). Follow the simple steps and complete as noted.
Contact: 317.784.9508 or
One great way to make giving meaningful, simple and fast is to automate giving. It provides for ministries of the church on an ongoing basis. Automatic gifts can be set up to occur weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly depending on your preference. ($10 minimum. All settings can be changed at any time.)
There are two ways to set up automated giving:
1. Set up an account here.
2. Click here to get an “Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)” form, then print, complete, and mail the form to the church at 1947 E Southport Road, Indianapolis, IN 46227 -or- drop it off in the main office.
Prefer an EFT form be mailed to you? Contact the church office, 317.784.9508 or email Brandon at
General Budget Fund – Provides the financial resources that fund our day-in and day-out ministries. Your regular gifts are not "regular" to SUMC. These gifts allow us to open our doors in worship and to do ministry in this part of the city and around the world.
The funds below represent areas of giving over and above giving to the General Budget:
Contact: 317.784.9508 or
Kroger Community Rewards
Kroger Community Rewards is an excellent program that allows you to support Southport United Methodist Church every time you fill your cart, basket, or just run in for a pint of ice cream (oh wait, I mean a loaf of bread).
All you have to do is enroll your Kroger Plus Card. There is no cost to you and you continue to earn points in the same manner. Just do one of the two things below and select Southport United Methodist Church (NPO #10728) as your nonprofit organization of choice.
Call: 1-800-KROGER (1-800-576-4377) -OR- Go to:
Contact: 317.784.9508 or
You can submit your question using our contact form. Of course, you may always call us, too: 317.784.9508. Kathy would be pleased to assist you or to direct your call.
Click here for a video about planned giving.
Payments for Imagination Station, our week day pre-school and child care program, may be made by clicking the button below.